All the programs below are done virtually or in-person!​
Confirmation Retreat (Virtual and In-Person Options)
"THE MARK" Confirmation Preparation Program
"THE WAY" First Holy Communion & Reconciliation Preparation Program

This is a half day Virtual Retreat focusing on Candidates receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation! We have taken the Confirmation retreat that we run in person and adjusted much of it to fit into a virtual experience. Our program has been broken down into sections, so candidates can go through the program in a morning or afternoon as time permits.
Churches can organize for their candidates to run the virtual experience together on a specific date, or allow families to have the opportunity to experience it individually at home and complete by a specific date.
Parishes will register for our Retreat via our Platform. They can then add a personalized account for each student to log into. Parish leaders, Catechists, Youth Ministers or Confirmation Coordinators can keep track of the progress that every student has made. The platform does not allow you to move onto the next section unless the entire video is complete. At the end of every section, we have a few questions to answer regarding the video.
The Candidates will log into their account. Select the Retreat from their dashboard. Then go through each session one at a time until complete. Candidates cannot skip sessions or fast forward through videos.
The Program includes:
Welcome Video
Guided Prayer and music
SESSION 1: "What do you want?"​
SESSION 2: "Why have the Mark?"
SESSION 3: "Hearing God's voice"
Powerful Prayer Session
Questions – to be done with a small group organized by the parish or with parents